I just transferred Water Molotov to WordPress from Pixelpost. If you follow the rss feed, chances are you won’t notice. The site itself now should be a lot nicer, with searchable photos, tags and all that.

Please let me know if any seems out of place. juan at jbuhler.com.

This photoblog now runs WordPress - posted


  • Hey, just to let you know that it all looks good to me. BTW, I’ve been a follower for quite some time now…I’m just not generally a very talkative person…

  • j.u.

    Have you used any special software/plugin to move your photoblog? I would like to move my blog too but don’t know if I can manage it. Thanks, J.

  • Albano

    Juan, ojo que la url del rss cambió, me enteré de pedo, mi suscripción obviamente dejó de andar, así que un montón que te siguen por rss es muy posible que te hayan perdido la pista. Abrazo.

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